4 FAQ About Boilers There are significant differences between water heaters and boilers, even though they have similar purposes. Here, Wiehler outlines and answers four of the most frequently asked questions about boilers in the article “4 FAQ About...
What is a Boiler? You might be asking yourself: what is a boiler? Most people are familiar with furnaces and water heaters, which are almost ubiquitous in modern homes. However, boilers are also a relatively common method of providing heat to a home. Here, we answer...
4 Signs That Your Furnace Needs Repairs It’s important that you know the signs that indicate when your furnace needs repairs. Part of keeping your furnace in good, running order are annual furnace inspections, but sometimes breakdowns happen. If you’re experiencing...
What You Need to Do in a Plumbing Emergency When a plumbing emergency happens, it can be difficult to stay calm and know what needs to be done. But thanks to your local Calgary emergency plumbers, you can know what to do when a plumbing emergency happens. Keep the...
Top 4 Benefits of In-Floor Heating You might have heard of in-floor – or radiant floor – heating before, as it’s fairly on trend these days – particularly for bathrooms. There are several benefits of having in-floor heating installed, which definitely justifies the...