Tips to Protect Your Plumbing During a Freeze in Calgary

Protect Your Plumbing During a Freeze in Calgary: Cold weather can be brutal to your pipes, causing them to freeze and possibly burst. The best solution to keeping your pipes from freezing is to keep them covered and insulated, but that’s not always possible. Here are tips from your local Calgary plumber at Wiehler to protect your plumbing during one of Calgary’s freezes.

Cover Crawl Spaces

It’s a good idea to temporarily close off any crawl spaces using foam that’s cut into the size and shape of the vents. This helps to reduce the amount of cold air that gets in, which reduces the risk of your pipes freezing.


Your house must be properly insulated. This includes areas like basements, crawl spaces, and attics, where your plumbing might be at risk of being exposed to cold temperatures. It would help if you also ensured that any cracks around windows and doors were properly sealed.

Open Cabinet Doors

When the temperature drops, it’s vital that air circulates around your pipes to keep them warm. To do so, open kitchen and bathroom cabinets. This allows the warm air to circulate and keep your pipes from potentially freezing and bursting.

winter calgary plumbing

Don’t Lower Your Thermostat

It might be tempting to save some money and lower your thermostat, especially if you’re going to be away for an extended period. But the most dangerous time to do so is when you’re away, and it’s cold. Keep your thermostat at the same temperature – or, at least, to keep it in a safety zone of around 12 to 20 degrees Celsius — to make sure that your pipes don’t freeze.

It’s essential during the winter to keep your pipes in working order. No one wants to have to deal with the headache of a pipe that’s burst because it froze. Thanks to your local Calgary plumber, you now have tips on how to prevent your pipes from freezing and possibly bursting. If you need more advice or need to deal with a burst pipe, give us at Wiehler a call. We can help.

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