3 Frequently Asked Questions About Combi-Boilers
If you’re looking into having a boiler installed in your home, then you’ve probably heard of “combi” boilers before. But you likely have questions about them. Thus, the experts in boilers at Wiehler have gathered together three of the most frequently asked questions about combi boilers and answered them. Here’s what you need to know.
What’s a combi boiler?
Known as a combination boiler, it’s a boiler that’s designed to heat a home through hot water, while also including the necessary components and controls to internally heat water for domestic use. Thus, a combi boiler combines a water heater and a boiler into one, singular unit, which saves space in your home’s mechanical room and allows you to save on the installation of the unit.
How does a combi boiler work exactly?
Combination, or combi, boilers provide heating and on-demand hot water for domestic use. When it’s in heating mode, water from the space heating system will flow through the heat exchanger and into the system, much like with a standard boiler. Now, when domestic hot water is needed, known as an open faucet, water flows through a separate heat exchanger and a valve inside the boiler diverts heating water over to the domestic heat exchanger. Water used for space heating is used to heat the domestic water until demand ends. When the domestic demand is over, then the boiler switches back over to supply heating.
What are some of the benefits of choosing a combi boiler?
Given that the combi boiler provides both heating and domestic hot water in a single unit, it can provide space savings over having to install two separate units. They also are capable of providing endless hot water when they’re in domestic hot water mode, much like a tankless water heater would. Lastly, combi boilers can reduce installation costs by reducing the number of appliances, reducing the need for exhaust vents and fans, and can potentially reduce the need for gas piping requirements.
Hopefully, this has answered some of your questions about combi boilers. If you’ve got further questions, or are looking for an installation quote, then give Wiehler a call today!